Wheel Throwing

Try your hand at the pottery wheel with 1:1 or 2 participant instruction! Please contact us if you're interested as these are schedueld upon request.

  • Potters of all levels are welcome and encouraged to participate!
  • Attendees must be a minimum of 8 years old.

While it is common to throw while sitting, we also have an adapted wheel for standing. Just let us know if you need it!

Available Upon Request

1:1 Instruction

1 Week - $95

  • 2 hours
  • 1:1 instruction, education and assistance provided
  • We encourage you to take 3 (max) of your pieces home
  • We will trim, glaze (with a single glaze of your choosing - per piece), and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

2 Weeks - $195

  • 2 hours
  • 1:1 instruction, education and assistance provided
  • We encourage you to take 6 (max) of your pieces home
  • There are 2 agenda options:

(A) Weeks 1 & 2 - throw on the wheel

  • We will trim, glaze (with a single glaze of your choosing - per piece), and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

(B) Week 1 - throw on the wheel ; Week 2 - trim your pots & underglaze/decorate them

  • We will finalize the glaze process and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

3 Weeks - $305

  • 2 hours
  • 1:1 instruction, education and assistance provided
  • We encourage you to take 9 (max) of your pieces home
  • There are 3 agenda options:

(A) Weeks 1, 2 & 3 - throw on the wheel

  • We will trim, glaze (with a single glaze of your choosing - per piece), and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

(B) Week 1 & 2 - throw on the wheel ; Week 3 - trim your pots & underglaze/decorate them

  • We will finalize the glaze process and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

(C) Week 1 - throw on the wheel ; Week 2 - trim your pots & underglaze (decorate) them ; Week 3 - finalize the glaze process

  • We will fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

Starting Fall 2024

2 Person Instruction

1 week - N/A

1 week wheel throwing workshops for 2 are considered Clay Dates. Please see that information here.

2 weeks - $175/person

  • 3 hours each week
  • 3 maximum participants
  • We encourage you to take 6 (max) of your pieces home
  • There are 2 agenda options:

(A) Weeks 1 & 2 - throw on the wheel

  • We will trim, glaze (with a single glaze of your choosing - per piece), and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

(B) Week 1 - throw on the wheel ; Week 2 - trim your pots & underglaze/decorate them

  • We will finalize the glaze process and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

3 Weeks - $250/person

  • 3 hours each week
  • 3 maximum participants
  • We encourage you to take 6 (max) of your pieces home
  • Weeks 1 & 2 - throw on the wheel
  • Week 3 - trim your pots & underglaze/decorate them
  • We will finalize the glaze process and fire your artwork
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!

5 Weeks - $415/person

  • 3 hours each week
  • 3 maximum participants
  • We encourage you to take 8 (max) of your pieces home
  • Weeks 1, 2 & 3 - throw on the wheel
  • Week 4 - trim your pots & underglaze/decorate them
  • Week 5 - finalize the glaze process
  • Two weeks after your final lesson you'll receive an email with a notice that your work is ready to be picked up!